Ryburn 3 Step

Ryburn 3 Step - Home Page

Ryburn 3 Step is a folk development organisation promoting traditional song, music and dance in the Ryburn Valley, near Halifax, West Yorkshire, England.

The Longsword team is recruiting!

See Longsword page if you're interested - 'taster' session on Wednesday September 25.

Next Event

Sat 5 Oct, 2024

Brighouse Barn Dance with Black Box Band and Gordon Potts

Brighouse Barn Dance with Black Box Band and Gordon Potts Black Box band are:
Chris Partington - fiddle
Johnny Adams - fiddle and piano
Pete Coe - melodeon

Caller Gordon Potts

No bar - bring your own refreshments
Reservations 01422 822569 — email info@ryburn3step.org.uk

Waring Green Community Centre

7pm – 10pm

Admission: £10 (family tickets also available)

Regular Events

  • Monthly, from September 2024 onwards: Folk Club on second Sundays only, mostly guest nights.
  • Weekly, Monday 8pm: tune session at The Old Bridge Inn, Ripponden.
  • Weekly, Wednesday: Ryburn Longsword practice at Ripponden Community Centre. See Longsword page for details and contact information.
See events page for details of Folk Club, Ryburn ceilidhs and other events.

Ryburn 3 Step News

Folk Club Changes in September 2024

From September the R3S folk club is moving to one monthly Sunday night 7pm-10pm, mainly featuring guest artists from far & wide, plus support from our residents. The first will be 15th September; after that it will continue on second Sundays. Guest details will be announced when known.

Chris Coe

Chris Coe, who died in December 2023, was a founder member of Ryburn 3 Step, singer, instrumentalist, dancer, teacher and artist, awarded a Gold Badge by the English Folk Dance & Song Society for her national and international services to folk music.

She was at the core of many of Ryburn 3 Step's activities for many years.

Sessions at 103 Oldham Rd, Ripponden HX6 4EB

This venue helped establish the Ryburn 3 Step organisation enabling a variety of dance, instrumental & song sessions. From September, Pete & Sue wish to revive singing & playing sessions in the shop.

SINGING OUT will feature a wide variety of traditional songs. Following the singing group led by Chris Coe, these sessions won’t be a ‘Folk Choir’ but choruses, harmonies & accompaniments are options. Dates tbc

PLAYING UP will be sessions of country dance tunes for melody & accompanying instruments, tunes learned by ear, with some help from notation. Dates tbc.

It is hoped that the singing & playing participants will feed into supporting & contributing to both the folk club & barn dances. Where requested we can call on additional vocal & instrumental skills within Ryburn 3 Step & our contacts further afield.

We can also present House Concerts at 103 where artists are on tour but with limited dates available.

Pete has been a professional folk musician for over 50 years, singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, dance musician & caller with considerable teaching experience at festivals & university. Pete & Sue have a substantial sound & print library available as resources with facilities for providing print & sound copies.

For more information contact Pete & Sue Coe
Email pete@petecoe.co.uk
Phone 01422 822569